Accurately diagnose the "eight deficiencies" of stores, and break the store's operating difficulties

After decades of rapid development and fierce competition in China's automotive aftermarket, a group of companies that can adapt to market demand have been left behind. In order to enable the enterprise to develop faster and better, BaiYuanJingYang also knows the truth of being prepared for danger in times of peace and planning for a rainy day.

For a period of time, in the process of serving the market, the BaiYuanJingYang service team found many problems in the growth process of many stores, which were summarized as "eight deficiencies".


In order to solve the problem of "eight deficiencies" in stores, Baiyuan Presbyterian Church specially produced a special course on "Diagnosis and Treatment of Eight Defects Stores", proposed targeted practical solutions, and held a BaiYuanJingYang family training conference in Wuhan to give a special presentation.

More than 1,700 Baiyuan stores and more than 3,000 people participated in this conference, which is second to none in China's auto aftermarket.


lack of flow

The era when traffic is king

Pro-Yuan Xian fish, as retreat webs

Lack of traffic is a common problem in the industry, and it is also the core problem affecting the survival of stores. The headquarters of BaiYuanJingYang analyzed two reasons for the lack of traffic in stores: first, external reasons, one is excess stores, more monks and less food; second, the annual mileage of vehicles is getting lower and lower. The second is internal reasons. One is the habit of waiting for customers to come to us. The other is that there are no people who should have it.


In response to this problem, the headquarters proposed a solution: first, the boss must increase the awareness of customer expansion; second, the boss must personally supervise and lead the employees to actively expand customers; third, understand the methods and skills of customer expansion.

Moreover, in order to help stores attract customers, the headquarters has launched the "land, sea and air" three-armed customer acquisition model: from offline customer acquisition, street sweeping, roadshows, to online customer acquisition in an all-round way; from the continuous drainage of e-commerce platforms to Douyin The platform's store live broadcast + short video planting, multi-channel and multi-channel traffic acquisition.

No one can solve the traffic problem by passively sitting on the sidelines. Only by taking the initiative to attack can the problem be solved.

fuel shortage card

Effective means of building a customer pool

Oil card is the stepping stone for store operation. Many bosses lack awareness of fuel cards, and do not know the significance of fuel cards in the current store operation. Not only that, but there are also problems in the store that no one sells, does not want to sell and will not sell.


In order to solve the problem that fuel cards cannot be sold, BaiYuanJingYang headquarters established Tandoutang to help stores overcome fuel card problems, provide fuel card sales guidance through online and offline training, and hold fuel card sales PK competitions for special live guidance.

At the same time, through the in-store guidance of fuel card coaches, it helps stores across the country increase the number of fuel card sales and promotes national stores to increase the saturation rate of fuel cards.

lack of excavation

Have insight and determination

When the store has a saturated oil card, the output value of the store depends on the mining capacity. But dig what? How to dig? How much to dig? Baiyuan gave a clear answer.


What to dig first? Baiyuan emphasized that comprehensive and aimless digging will only make customers resent and repel them. The output value of Baiyuan stores mainly comes from 4387, and the excavation of 4387 can only be excavated scientifically and rationally according to the rules of scheduled management. 4 refers to 4 kinds of oil and water, and 38 refers to 38 wearing parts. Among the 38 wearing parts, the chassis parts are the signature items of Baiyuan. Store technicians can find out expired or problematic oil and wearing parts, which directly determines the output value of bicycles.

Secondly how to dig? Experts from the Baiyuan Headquarters told everyone that if you want to dig out 4387, you must know the 16-step fishbone diagram of BaiYuanJingYang's output value mining.


In short, if you want to find out 4387, you must first find the source of the car, find the root cause, and find the source through "seeing, hearing, and asking" according to the process; secondly, you must be in awe of the process, investigate the culprit like a detective, decide the fault like a judge, and be like a lawyer. Just as pleading for bad parts, and sending off old ones like a priest.

How much did you dig in the end? Baiyuan store advocates car owners to maintain according to the law of vehicle deterioration, and despises unprincipled sales or insurance recommendations.

Since most of the car owners in Baiyuan stores are oil truck owners, a scientific maintenance plan should be set for each oil truck according to the actual condition of the vehicle. For stores, this maintenance plan is called the estimated target output value of each fuel card.

Lack of technology

The real driver of the kernel

The foundation of the development of auto repair shops

Auto repair is a "martial arts industry", technology is internal strength, and only real skills can be convincing. BaiYuanJingYang passed on real kung fu to Baiyuan stores through all-round technical training.

Especially for the replacement of chassis parts, most traditional stores have three major vices: one is "going around the world with a hammer", many parts are smashed up or smashed out; Screws cause irreversible damage; the third is to disassemble and assemble the swing arm without marking. This practice has buried hidden dangers for premature damage to many rubber sleeves.


In order to improve the technical literacy of Baiyuan family technicians, the headquarters has spared no effort in training. The following proposals were proposed:

First, improve the development speed and course density of the three major technical courses of "Analysis of Common Technical Problems of Engine", "Analysis of Common Technical Problems of Chassis" and "Analysis of Common Technical Problems of Electrical Circuits";

Second, improve the top ten technical groups, so that technicians across the country can consult related technical issues in professional technical groups;

Third, vigorously promote remote diagnosis and provide online technical support for intractable diseases.

Lack of cages

Frontier of management, weapon of development

If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools. Cage management is a customer segmentation management model refined in the era of big data.


The store assigns customer portraits to each car owner who enters the store, establishes a detailed car owner file, and focuses on digging deep into customer needs in order to directly address the core demands of customers. This can greatly enhance customer stickiness and effectively complete the maintenance of old customer groups.

In layman's terms, it is to empathize, think about problems from the perspective of customers, and solve problems from the perspective of customers. With technical personnel as the internal basis and customer groups as the external drive, only an excellent management model can make people successful. Baiyuan has never been just a simple auto repair company.


In order to solve the problem of difficult landing of net cages, the headquarters made two fists. First, Zhiyutang was established to train net cage operation experts who came to the store to support them; second, a mobile version of net cage management was developed, which greatly reduced the workload of account managers. .

Shortage of manpower

people oriented

Talent is the most important productivity

The auto repair industry is in a labor shortage, and lack of people has become a norm. Difficulty in recruiting, educating, and retaining people has become the biggest stumbling block for auto repair stores to take off.


In response to this problem, Baiyuan built its own "Whampoa Military Academy", established a certification incubation business department, passed job certification, and provided precise training to help stores solve the problem of educating people, and successively established multiple certification incubation bases across the country;

Solve the temporary shortage of people in the store and the difficulty of landing after learning through outsourcing; through the incubation of experienced employees, solve the problems that are difficult to recruit and cannot be recruited for the store, and train and deliver veritable middle-level workers and experienced account managers for the store;

In addition, a new model of school-enterprise cooperation has also been launched. In the future, multiple school-enterprise cooperation centers will be established across the country to truly solve the problem of talent incubation and delivery for Baiyuan stores!

Lack of performance

Results-oriented is the most effective motivation

The lack of performance in many auto repair stores is mainly manifested in two aspects. One is that performance is misunderstood as commission, and the other is that they do not know the composition of employee income, the meaning of basic salary and performance salary and the difference between them.

To this end, the experts at the headquarters gave clear answers to the definition and differences of salary performance and their respective impacts on employees.

Basic salary is the basic income that employees get after completing the basic tasks of the post. The basic salary is the exchange between the employee's ability and basic job tasks and the boss. So, base salary = exchange. Since it is an exchange, it must be equal. Before the basic salary is paid, the boss has the right to assess the basic job tasks completed by the employees this month.

Performance wages are the rewards that employees receive for the excess after completing basic job tasks. The more you exceed, the more you will be rewarded; if there is no excess, there will be no reward.


In order for the store to fully grasp the design and assessment method of salary performance, Changlaotang, the headquarters of Baiyuan, designed a set of templates according to the actual situation of the store, which can be directly applied by the store.

The competition of enterprises is more about the competition of talents. If we find the right people, train them well, and retain them, our competitiveness will be stronger. In this sense, we can't just draw cakes, but more importantly, let capable employees eat cakes, so as to motivate them to produce more cakes.

missing data

Without data, it is equal to the blind man feeling the elephant

What is data? Data is not a string of numbers with no logical relationship. There is a strong logical relationship between the various numbers in the data. Through the logical relationship behind the numbers, we can extract useful information for store management and analyze the problems existing in the store: what is missing? How much is missing? Why? what to do?


In the era of big data, accurate data is the radar for us to accurately find the pain points of the market. Only when decisions are supported by data, can there be no disadvantages. In order to build this radar, BaiYuanJingYang concentrated a lot of human, financial and material resources to develop the Baishaoxia store management app system based on Baiyuan's business logic.


With this system, the net cage is simplified, the return visit is simplified, the appointment is simplified, the calculation is simplified, the vehicle inspection is simplified, the diagnosis is simplified, the construction is simplified, and the management is simplified.

With this system, it also provides professional guidance and support for the store to understand its own situation and judge the market trend. Only by precise guidance can it be targeted.

The family meeting is a concentrated presentation of Baiyuan on the road of assiduous pursuit, and it is also a summary and prospect of its stores. After successfully overcoming the "eight deficiencies", BaiYuanJingYang will surely continue to shine brightly and demonstrate its achievements in the automotive aftermarket of the next era.



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