Is it difficult to do business in auto repair shops? Do you choose to "lie flat" or face up to the difficulties?

What are auto repair shops facing in the post-epidemic era?

In recent years, facing multiple pressures such as the impact of the black swan of the epidemic, the soaring price of refined oil, and the increasing penetration rate of new energy vehicles, the business conflicts of offline physical stores have become increasingly acute. How stores can save themselves has become a hot topic in the industry.

China's automotive aftermarket, after going through the wild stage of savage growth and the awakening of consumer awareness, is gradually moving towards subdivided fields, and has also refined a group of companies that can adapt to market development and needs.


And BaiYuanJingYang, as a leader in the industry, is naturally comparable in terms of service quality and technical capabilities. In the post-epidemic era, Baiyuan not only did not choose to lie flat, but fought more and more courageously. With high-quality technology and services, Baiyuan has embarked on a new path of vigorous development.

Standing bravely at the forefront of the times, what did Baiyuan do right?

BaiYuanJingYang endows all its franchised stores with standardized process management and promotes successful experiences. Through the three-level promotion of headquarters, regions, and operation centers, it goes up to strategic planning, model research and development, tactical promotion, brand output, and supply chain building, down to store management supervision, store assistance and counseling, etc. See the truth from the details. Do it like an arm and a finger, gather like a ball of fire, and disperse like a sky full of stars.


The operation of the store will not be smooth sailing, just like a person may get sick from childhood to adulthood, which is a normal phenomenon. To get sick, it is natural to find out the cause of the disease, so as to prescribe the right medicine, instead of avoiding the disease and avoiding the doctor. Likewise, a store, too, can get sick as it develops.

During the BaiYuanJingYang service team’s visit to the stores, they found that some stores lacked traffic, fuel cards, mining, and technology, and some lacked cages, manpower, performance, and data. We summarized the above phenomena as follows: The eight diseases in the store's growth process are collectively referred to as "eight deficiencies".

From the "barrel theory", we can know that the amount of water a barrel can hold depends on the shortest board. In the process of store growth, how much a store makes money also depends on its shortest board. Therefore, how to make up for shortcomings and solve difficulties and pain points has become a problem that stores must face and solve.

To this end, Chongyangzi led experienced experts from various sectors to hold a training session on "Management and Diagnosis of Eight Queue Stores". Some experts have a deep understanding of a certain field, and some have many years of industry experience. Experts from each sector analyze the eight deficiencies one by one, and deeply analyze the stubborn problems in the store's operation process.


At the same time, in order to help the stores to land better, Baiyuan stores attending the meeting will receive "BaiYuanJingYang Service Manual", "On-Site Management Standards", "Compilation of Store Management Systems", "Lesch Chassis Product Manual", "300 Questions about Car Maintenance Knowledge" "Five cheats, which will also become the store's annual systematic service guide.

Define the future, Baiyuan invites you to participate

On July 25, 2022, at the Wuhan Baiyuan Family Training Conference, practitioners in the auto repair industry gathered together, which was not only an accurate interpretation of the reality, but also an accurate definition of the future. It is believed that this conference will become a milestone in the development of China's auto aftermarket.

BaiYuanJingYang is by your side.

On July 25, we will be waiting for you in Wuhan.



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