Plan the layout from a high place, and implement it in a down-to-earth manner!

A year's plan lies in spring!

Recently, BAIYUANJINGYANG convened regional operators from all over the country and held the National Operators Annual Meeting at its headquarters in Guangzhou. Make a good start and lay a good foundation.

At the meeting, the head of BAIYUANJINGYANG reviewed the work in 2021, pointing out that stores are the source of BAIYUANJINGYANG. Only by providing services and benefits to stores in a large-scale, three-dimensional way and laying a solid foundation can we have the joy of a good harvest. will be abandoned by the market.


Therefore, the leader has formulated key tasks and actions for 2022:

1. Cater to changes in market and store demand, and intelligently build a product chain.

2. Layout new energy vehicle market.

3. Change the management mechanism of operators.

4. Enhance brand image.

5. Upgrade the digital system.

6. Strengthen talent incubation training.


Wisdom builds product chain

BaiYuanJingYang rebuilds the product chain, empowers the store substantially and unconditionally, and improves the profitability and viability of the store.


With the development of the industry, chassis parts have become a new outlet in the auto repair industry. In 2022, BaiYuanJingYang will step up efforts to promote the development of the chassis parts business, invest manpower and material resources, specialize in fine and large chassis parts, and solve the future profitability of the store.


Layout new energy vehicle market

In 2021, the penetration rate of new energy vehicles will exceed 20%, and the momentum will continue unabated. It has become the next outlet in the automotive aftermarket. BaiYuanJingYang will use its own channel advantages to strongly intervene in the sales and after-sales business of new energy vehicles, so as to cultivate new profit growth points for stores.


Change operator management mechanism

In order to better serve and ensure the development of franchise stores, BaiYuanJingYang has formed a three-level service system of headquarters, regions, and regional operation centers.

As the front-line combat force of BaiYuanJingYang, the regional operator shoulders important tasks such as touring the store for training, counseling, and improving store operation capabilities. The strength of the operator's comprehensive ability determines the development of the store to a large extent!


Therefore, the headquarters has changed the management mechanism of operators, and launched two innovative landing tools-"Operator Work Guidelines" and "BaiYuanJingYang Store Service Manual". The introduction and implementation of these policies and tools will surely enhance the service capabilities of operators and provide stores with more standardized, accurate and thoughtful services and support!


Enhance brand image

In 2022, BaiYuanJingYang will upgrade its brand image from multiple latitudes, focusing on creating a 3D series image of "Bai Shao Xia", launching a series of animations, and shaping the IP image of Bai Shao Xia into the spokesperson of Bai Yuan's brand image.


Let those who don't know know Baiyuan, let those who know understand Baiyuan, let those who know love Baiyuan, and let those who love come to Baiyuan.

Upgrade digital system

One of the root causes of traffic anxiety faced by stores in the automotive aftermarket is that stores do not understand data and the relationship between data. We don’t know what data we lack, how much we lack, and what to do after we lack it!

For this reason, BaiYuanJingYang launched the "BaiShaoXia store management system". The brand-new digital system is more in line with BaiYuanJingYang's business philosophy and operating standards, so that the headquarters, operators, and stores can know what they are doing.

Strengthen talent incubation and cultivation

The lack of manpower has become a pain point in the automotive aftermarket. How to solve the problem of recruitment and talent training has become an urgent problem in the automotive aftermarket. The solution given by BaiYuanJingYang is - certification certification + school-enterprise cooperation.

In terms of certification training, in 2022, BaiYuanJingYang will continue to deepen the certification training section, focusing on cultivating the store's customer acquisition ability, conversion ability and mining ability.


In order to solve the problem of the long distance of store certification training and the inconvenience of participating in certification training, BaiYuanJingYang will build six new certification training bases in Chengdu, Wuhan, Xi'an, Wuxi, Beijing-Tianjin, and Heijiliao. The newly-built certification training base will be fully put into use by the end of 2022.

In addition to the certification training for on-the-job personnel, BaiYuanJingYang will also make efforts in school-enterprise cooperation. It will take one year to build 1-3 school-enterprise cooperation centers to provide more qualified middlemen and account managers for more Baiyuan stores.


Stores are the source of BaiYuanJingYang. Only by providing good service in the stores can we stabilize the foundation and show the self-confidence of Baiyuan people in terms of martial arts, culture, strategy and brand, and make greater contributions to China's automotive aftermarket.



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Address: Room 201, No. 26, Longxiang Road, Dalong Street, Panyu District, Guangzhou