Review of the second Douyin PK competition of Baiyuan Family

PK game background review

Practice is an efficient way to test knowledge and study skills.

In order to quickly improve the Douyin marketing capabilities of Baiyuan family stores, empower stores to use new media marketing to attract customers and increase production value.

Adhering to the concept of "promoting learning through competition, promoting action through learning, and promoting promotion through action", the New Media Operation Department of Baiyuan Headquarters launched the "Second Douyin PK of Baiyuan Family" from January 18 to February 18, 2022. race".

PK competition results inventory

Within one month of the competition, among the participating teams,

The highest cumulative video playback volume of a single account reached 130,000.

The number of effective consultations in the background of Douyin is as high as 410.

The total number of topics on "Stories of Baiyuan Stores and Car Owners" reached 482,000.

The time of the competition coincides with the Spring Festival holiday, and the actual operation time of the participating stores is only 3 weeks. Such good results have been achieved, which proves that the family members of our Baiyuan store have really learned and achieved it. I would like to give a thumbs up for your efforts.




Screenshots of the playback volume of a single video of some participating store accounts

The highest single playback volume reached 28,000

Let’s take a look at the detailed picture of the consultation that keeps ringing in the background:



PK game counseling inventory

The reason why this PK competition is so effective is, of course, the operation guidance provided by our Baiyuan family mentors-Mr. Peng Chen, Mr. Sasha and Director Ye to the participating stores!

They put forward valuable suggestions on the videos released by the participating teams, and helped the family members of the store to continuously optimize their accounts.

At the same time, Ms. Wanyi, the Douyin operation of the New Media Department of Baiyuan Headquarters, also prepared community guidance such as "weekly community quiz", "daily Douyin operation knowledge sharing" and "weekly incentive selection".


PK competition awards and summary

On the evening of February 25th, the New Media Department of Baiyuan Headquarters organized all participating team members to carry out the community awards and summary ceremony.

According to the screenshots of the data submitted by the store and the verification by the headquarters, 7 teams were finally selected to win 11 awards in this PK competition. Let us see which family members won the awards.

传播达人奖 拷贝.jpg.jpg

Best Operation Award (1 winner)

最佳运营奖 拷贝.jpg.jpg

Best Effect Award (3 winners)


Best Communication Award (3 winners)


Best Popularity Award (3 winners)

At the award ceremony, BaiYuanJingYang's outstanding Douyin operation family mentors - Mr. Sha Sha and Mr. Peng Chen presented awards to the participating teams.

The award-winning teams received physical gifts and cash rewards ranging from 2,000 to 10,000 yuan from the headquarters of Baiyuan.

Congratulations to all the winning teams, and thanks to the leaders of Baiyuan Headquarters for their strong support! I also hope that the family members of our Baiyuan will continue to practice the relevant methods of Douyin drainage.

At the community awards ceremony, the winning teams also shared their gains and experiences. Let's listen to their testimonials together!

Mr. Deng, the team leader of BaiYuanJingYang Luoding Weibo Store, who won the Communication Talent Award and the Best Effect Award, said: "Thanks to the headquarters for opening the operation training course of the Douyin platform. The technique has achieved practical results after practice. Since I started Douyin in July last year, it has attracted more than 800 customers, including more than 500 customers who bought two packages, and consumers who bought three get one free oil card packages. There are more than 400 customers. I am very grateful to the headquarters for allowing us to attract many accurate customers through Douyin!"


Mr. Qin's speech from BaiYuanJingYang Dongshan Car Home Store, which won the Best Operation Award, Best Popularity Award, Best Communication Award and Best Effect Award:


A team has won multiple awards, I must give you a thumbs up!

Mr. Huang of BaiYuanJingYang Liling Huasheng Store, who won the Best Popularity Award, said:


Mr. Shi from Baiyuan Baodi Anxin Store, who won the Best Popularity Award, said:


Mr. Liu of BaiYuanJingYang Xurisheng Huanghaowa Flagship Store, who won the Best Communication Award, said: "First of all, I would like to thank the headquarters of BaiYuanJingYang for providing this platform and providing Douyin training courses for our stores! We have learned more about Douyin, and we have a deep understanding of the importance of using self-media to promote storefronts..."


Mr. Li of Wusheng Weijie Store, who won the best communication award, said: "Thank you very much to the BaiYuanJingYang headquarters for giving us a chance to communicate with Douyin. Compared with the stores in Guangdong, they are indeed doing better than us. I hope that those stores that do a good job You can share more success stories with us in the future.”


BaiYuanJingYang Zhongshan Xinghua Store, which won the best effect award, said: "Da Chung Xinghua Store has won this special award after hard work despite the current limit in the previous period! In the days to come, we will work harder to do a good job in Douyin operation and provide a better service for the store. Bring more production value, I hope Baiyuan can continue to hold Douyin PK competitions in the future."


At the awards ceremony, Director Ye from the headquarters, the chief planner of the competition, also made a concluding speech!

She said: "I hope that the family members of the Baiyuan store will actively maintain continuous communication with the new media department of our Baiyuan headquarters, whether it is in the drainage of Douyin, the consulting transformation of the store, or the strategy of group buying in the same city. If you have experience or suggestions, you can also take the initiative to contact the New Media Department of the headquarters for sharing and communication. The headquarters will also give some incentives, the purpose of which is to help our stores in Baiyuan better do new media marketing Work."

Finally, Mr. Jing from the Operations Management Department of Baiyuan Headquarters gave a concluding speech to the contest.

He said: "Baiyuan stores must closely follow the rapid development of the headquarters, especially the boss and the proprietress must pay attention to the work of Douyin. In addition to personally participating in the creation, editing, and promotion of Douyin, they must also believe in young people and increase their efforts. The intensity of cultivating Douyin talents, actively cooperate with the headquarters and operators in the work of Douyin. The flames of everyone picking up talents are high. When more of our stores do a good job of Douyin, the voice of Baiyuan Douyin will be even higher. The influence will be even greater. At the same time, we must believe that as long as we do a good job of Douyin in the store, we will be able to enhance the popularity and influence of the store, attract more customers to the store, and increase the sales volume of fuel cards in the store. Increase the output value and profit of the store, and finally, I wish Baiyuan's store a booming business in 2022"

Prospects for the future of PK competition

The second Douyin PK competition of Baiyuan Family has come to a successful conclusion~

The New Media Department of Baiyuan Headquarters will cooperate with the official team of Douyin local life to lead more than 100 Baiyuan stores to carry out the pilot project of Baiyuan Douyin local group buying with the theme of "All Kinds of Love-Baiyuan Station Spring Car Maintenance Douyin Group Buying Month" , the goal is to gather the power of Baiyuan headquarters, provincial operation centers and Baiyuan stores across the country to attract customers and increase production value for Baiyuan stores through Douyin local group buying.

In 2022, the headquarters of Baiyuan will vigorously strengthen investment in Douyin operations in all aspects of human resources, property and resources. We will form a professional Douyin operation team, and increase training empowerment and drainage support for stores.

At the same time, Baiyuan Headquarters has also established an in-depth strategic partnership with Douyin officials, and Baiyuan Headquarters will also receive more support and guidance from Douyin officials. The New Media Department of Baiyuan Headquarters will lead the Baiyuan family stores across the country to continuously develop and practice more Douyin drainage and monetization methods.



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